Track: Quality Aspects in Digital Twins and Cyber-physical Systems


Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) are increasingly playing an important role in our day-to-day lives. Their applications spread over many domains such as in medical systems, transportation, energy, and telecommunication sectors. Thus, it is important to make sure that CPS are of high quality and provide reliable services. On the other hand, Digital Twins, which are a virtual representation of a system, are increasingly becoming predominant as it supports new software engineering activities (e.g., DevOps) that previously were not possible in complex systems like CPSs.

This track solicits paper on methods, approaches, tools, and empirical evaluations focusing on ensuring quality of Digital twins and CPSs. Given the importance of Digital Twins and CPSs in industry, we also encourage practitioners to submit papers covering experiences, technologies, lessons learnt, and future directions related to quality in Digital Twins and CPSs.


The suggested topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Requirement Verification and Validation of Digital Twins and Cyber-Physical Systems

  • Model-based Verification of Cyber-Physical Systems

  • Formal Verification and Validation of Cyber-Physical Systems

  • Model-based Design and Development of Cyber-Physical Systems

  • Digital Twins and Simulations for Cyber-Physical Systems Quality

  • Dependability of Cyber-Physical Systems

  • DevOps for Cyber-Physical Systems

  • Runtime Verification for Cyber-Physical Systems

  • Testing Cyber-Physical Systems

  • Uncertainty Handling in Cyber-Physical Systems

  • New applications of Digital Twins

  • Fidelity levels of Digital Twins

  • Modeling Digital Twins and CPSs


Chair: Aitor Arrieta, Mondragon University, Spain

Program Committee:

  • Tao Yue, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics China

  • Paolo Arcaini, National Institute of Informatics, Japan

  • Jingyue Li, Norwegian university of science and technology, Norway

  • Wasif Afzal, Mälardalen Univesity, Västerås, Sweden

  • Antonio Cicchetti, Mälardalen University, Sweden

  • Torsten Bandyszak, Paluno - The Ruhr Institute for Software Technology, Germany

  • Alin Stefanescu, University of Bucharest, Romania

  • Manuel Wimmer, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria

  • Alessio Gambi, Passau University, Germany

  • Joachim Denil, University of Antwerp, Belgium

  • Man Zhang, Kristiania University College, Norway

  • Alessandra Bagnato, Softeam, France

  • Eva Navarro-Lopez, The University of Wolverhampton, UK

  • Javier Troya, Universidad de Málaga, Spain

  • Sebastiano Panichella, Zurich Applied, Zurich University of Applied Science, Switzerland

  • Gunel Jahangirova, Universitá della Svirezza Italiana, Switzerland

  • Shaukat Ali, Simula Research Laboratory, Norway

Aitor Arrieta is a lecturer and researcher at Mondragon University. He got his PhD in software engineering at Mondragon University in 2017. The PhD was awarded by SISTEDES as the best PhD in software engieering preseted in 2017. In addition, he was awarded by SCIE and Fundación BBVA as an early-stage researcher for his research in the field of software development and testing of industrial applications. He currently leads the ADEPTNESS H2020 project, which aims at researching on DevOps methods to be applicable and scalable in Cyber-Physical Systems.